Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Me and a 9 lb. baby???

So I went in for my last ultrasound last week and our baby boy is already 6lbs. 6oz. That doesn't seem so bad until the Dr. informs you that if he makes he to 40 weeks he'll be over 9lbs! Can you imagine me giving birth to a 9lb. baby?

If he doesn't come on his own we'll induce by the end of the month. I am already dilated to 1cm, so we'll see what comes of all this!
I feel pretty good considering the fact that I'm carrying around an extra 23 lbs and constantly getting kicked in the ribs and punched in the bladder. Our son is nearly as active as his father; I'm excited to see all of this activity when it's not giving me the urge to rush to the bathroom!

1 comment:

Hailey said...

I really hope you don't have to deliver a 9lb baby. 7lb was big enough. But on the bright side and least you don't have to worry about him being too little--that's when it's scary. I hope everything is going well and you don't have a Christmas Day baby!