Friday, December 1, 2006

Lots to do!

First of all, good idea Hailey, I hope this keeps us better connected!
I have to admit I was pretty surprised to see me big belly on the screen when I opened the page, but I can't see enough of my little boy!
We'll work on getting more pictures up soon.

I had a baby shower last night and I feel so grateful for a great friends I've made from my ward and neighborhood! I brought home some great gifts, but now I have mounds of laundry to get started on before the big arrival.
I also have almost all of my Christmas shopping to do, but my Dr. is trying to tell me to stay off my feet as much as possible since I've already started having contractions. This is a nearly impossible request since all I want to do is run around and get everything done even if it's something I've already done. I suppose you could say I'm stuck in the nesting period.

I hope You're all enjoying the beautiful snow I've been hearing so much about! I'm happy to have the temperature drop below 70 and I think I'll only be dreaming of a white Christmas this year.

Lauren, Sarah, have there been any decisions made about schools yet?
Everyone needs to put up some pictures!!!

Love, Heide


Hailey said...

We had our first snowfall last night where the snow actually stayed on the ground. It looks so pretty outside even if it's only a little bit. But it's cold and I definitely miss 70 degree winters we had in Florida. But I was always able to travel to a snowy place for the actual holiday.
I can't believe you're already having contractions! I hope they're not too bad. Do you have a name picked out?

PretandMeg said...

Heide you look so cute! To see some specific pictures, you can look at our website, which I will put a link to here. Hope things go well.