Ethan Mcarthur Call
Born: Dec. 19, 2006 at 3:19 am
Weight: 6lbs 3oz
Length: 20.5 in
He's an amazing gift and we couldn't be happier to have him home with us! He was 3 weeks early and much smaller than the Dr. predicted, but he is a healthy, happy baby.
I started labor on my own at 3:ooam on the 18th, but they had to induce because I wasn't progressing . I was in labor for about 24 hours and decided to get an epidural about 12 hours into it; this was a wonderful choice!
Steve and I are absolutely thrilled and can't get over the fact that Ethan is ours, that we made him, and that we get to be with him forever!
We hope you had a joyous and peaceful Christmas!
Steve, Heide and Ethan