Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Our Baby Girl

Yes! It's a girl! Eric and I couldn't be more thrilled. We are so happy that she is healthy, too. I was so confident that it was a girl, that I already a dress before I found out. Now I don't have to take it back! My official due date is now 07/07/07--confirmed by my first ultrasound, and now my second (although there is a very little chance we will be born on that day). I am feeling pretty good; I can't quite stop taking my medication though. At any rate, we are so happy!

This picture was the one that supposedly indicated it was a girl. It was obvious to the ultrasound tech, but we actually guessed it was a boy by the photo (can you see why?).

Nice long spine.

Cute little froggy legs!


Hailey said...

Congrats!! We need a girl after 3 boys. I'm glad everything looks good and she's healthy.

Heide Call said...

Sarah, I'm so happy for you! Doesn't it seem more real now that you know it's a girl and now that you've seen her and heard her little heart beat? Babies are wonderful little creatures that will change your life forever. Can you believe you're over half way done with your pregnancy? This is such an exciting time; congratulations!