Tuesday, January 2, 2007

A "Meme"

I got this idea from my cousin, so here goes. The first part is just explaination...

A meme is a unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. The word meme was coined by an evolutionary biologist in 1976. In blogland, a meme is an idea that is shared and passed from blog to blog, such as a question that is posted on one blog and then is somehow answered on other blogs. There are lists of meme's on the web that can be answered by anyone. Here are some websites, among many unlisted ones, that give examples of meme's: Meme's list, The Daily Meme, Friday's feast, The Thursday Threesome, and Unconcious Mutterings.

1. Flip to page 18, paragraph 4 - of the closest book to you, what does it say?
There was only one paragraph on pg. 18, so I went to pg. 19.... "Late in the afternoon of November 26, Carter made a small hole in the doorway. He lit a candle, and put it inside to test the air. Then he made the hole bigger so he could look inside. Carnarvon, who was standing beside him asked anxiously, 'What do you see?'" This is from Tutankhamun: The mystery of the boy king by Zahi Hawass.
2. If you stretch out your left arm as far as possible, what are you touching?
There isn't anything there as I am sitting at my desk at school (it is after school, as I have tried really hard to do school stuff on school time today...). There is a plastic bag filled with stuff for the "house" here and my computer bag sitting on the floor underneath my arm. And of course, my desk is covered with papers.
3. What's the last program you watched on tv?
Man vs. Wild, a show on Discovery about a ex-British special ops guy who gets dropped in the middle of nowhere and has five days to survive and meet up with civilization (a road, a boat, etc.) It is pretty cool!
4. Without looking, guess what time it is?
My guess is about 3:15. (It's 3:20).
5. Except your computer, what can you hear now?
The air cirulation system in the building and a few random voices from people in other rooms, the hall, or kids outside.
6. When was the last time you went outside and what did you do?
If that means stepping more than 2 steps out the door, than this morning for recess duty at 10:15.
7. What are you wearing?
My gray work pants, a pink polo, a scarf and my cream sweater jacket.
8. What did you dream about last night?
I don't usually remember my dreams, but I actually do remember last night's because it was so weird!! I dreamt I was back in high school and we were getting ready for a choir concert. It was also around Prom time, so people were asking people and I got asked by a really popular guy (I don't remember who it was) but I didn't really want to say yes to him because I was really hoping a couple other people might ask me (subconsciously, I wanted Pret to, but at the same time, I already knew he was my husband, or at least would be eventually, so I didn't want to go with anyone else...) I woke up before I decided. But for those of you who know who these people are, Kendall Jaussi asked Morgan Olsen and she said yes!! How ironic is that!
9. When was the last time you laughed?
I chuckled about an hour ago at a blog I was reading.
10. What are on the walls of the room you are in right now?
Way too many things to describe. Just try to remember what your kindergarten classroom looked like and let your imagination go wild (for those who haven't seen my classroom...)
11. Have you seen anything strange lately?
Not necessarily strange, but really cute. My students were supposed to be copying down sentences (yes, we do that in Kindergarten.) They were copying, "I like my bike," but instead of the word "bike," there was just a picture. They were supposed to draw the picture and then sound out and spell the word bike. One little girl was trying her best and got the first letter, but the rest is what made me laugh: BMW!

12. What do you think of this Meme?
It is a little long, but fun, too. Different than all the other "chain mail" things I used to get all the time. I always enjoyed, those, though.
13. What's the last film you saw?
That depends. If it is just movie, that would be Rocky IV with Pret yesterday. If it is movie in the theatre, that would be Work and the Glory III. I actually was not a big fan because I think it was the most anti-climactic movie I have ever seen!
14. If you became a multimillionaire, what would you do?
That is a tough question. First, I would pay off our car so we could be debt free. Next, I would buy my mother a Land Rover (or whatever car she would feel most "safe" in, my mother-in-law a Jeep, and any other siblings reliable cars that will hold all their children. Then I would put enough money in our account that we wouldn't have to worry about making all of our bills for the next two years while Pret is in school. Then I would buy a cool house that would last us for a few years. Then I would save enough that Pret and I could go on a mission later in life (about $50,000). Finally, I would pay off debts that our siblings and parents owe and put the rest into savings, with a special savings that can be spent on whatever we want/need whenever we want/need it. I would definitely keep working until we decided we are ready to have kids, then I would start a really awesome pre-school that would be open to anyone, regardless of ability to pay!
15. Tell us something that most people don't know about you?
I had a crush on one of my student's father. He was married and I was single, but I think it was mainly because he reminded me of my brother (not that I have a crush on my brother, but that it was something familiar....)
16. If you could change one thing in this world, without regarding politics or bad guilt - what would it be? That every parent had the opportunity to be involved with every child every day. I feel so sorry for some of my students who have to spend time with only one parent a day due to work schedules, family situations, or lack of concern/involvement. There is such a difference for those who are involved!
17. Do you like dancing? I love it! I used to make up dance routines of all kinds with all of my friends when I was younger. I still love to go to dances. Now, if I only had a husband who would dance with me--he still owes me our wedding dance!
18. George Bush? I try not to get too involved in politics, especially individuals. It is much safer in my families that way.
19. What do you want you children's names to be, boy or girl? I have always love the name Michael and it tends to run in the family. :-) For a girl, I love the name Meggie, but it is too close to my own name, so I figure I will go with Maggie, but no one seems to like Margaret....
20. Would you ever consider living abroad? I plan on it at some point, if for no other reason than to serve a mission. I have lived in Saudi Arabia and New Zealand, my husband in the Czech Republic; so we both have some international living experiences and look forward to it again.

Well, there's a little bit about me. Sorry you don't get both sides of the story...

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