Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Okay, sorry I haven't written more but I think I have a pretty good excuse.

Ethan is already 5 weeks old and the time has absolutely flown by. It's been a whirlwind of breastfeeding, burping and diaper changing, but I can't explain the joy he brings into our life! He has grown and changed so much already and I just love him and his daddy more everyday!

To answer a few questions,

Labor: (first 12 hours pre-epidural) gradually progressed towards excruciating

(last 12 hours post-epidural) relaxing and exciting

Epidural: not as scary as I thought it would be (I never even saw the needle, and by that time i didn't care how big the needle was i just wanted the pain to stop!)

Giving birth: If it was terribly painful I really have forgotten. I remember slight pressure, but I just wanted Ethan to come out so I pushed hard and fast. It was over within 30 minutes.

Motherhood is wonderful which you will soon come to know if you don't already!


Sarah Palfreyman said...

I am so glad things are going well. I hope you are getting some sleep. I can't wait to see more pictures! Wishing you guys the best...

Hailey said...

He's adorable. I'm glad things went well and that your epidural worked--aren't they wonderful? I second Sarah in hoping that you are getting some sleep. I hope everything continues to go well. How is nursing going?

Megs said...

So cute, Heide and Steve! Can't wait to see him in person--any idea when/if you might be coming to Utah again? Thanks for sharing the news!