Then, we did Christmas Eve dinner with the Dahlgrens again. I tried my family's traditional star Christmas Jell-o, but it didn't work too well. It still tasted OK, though. I'll try and hope for a better result next year.
This was our meager Christmas tree (we only turned the lights on twice--the night we put it up and the next. The plug was clear back behind the tree, so it was a pain to get to. We tried wrapping Santa presents this year, but we still put out our stockings. As you can tell, our Christmas morning wasn't very early. We were both fighting colds and had taken Tylenol PM the night before, so we didn't get up until 9:00! Oh, life without kids!! :-) (Sorry about it being sideways.)
Pret got his much-desired Millenium Falcon, along with two other Star Wars LEGO ships. It took him about 4 hours total to get it all put together. Since then, he has even dreamed he was piloting the ship in battle. I think he enjoyed his present!
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