Sunday, May 20, 2007

Fishing trip

For Ethan's 5 month birthday we spent the afternoon at Kennekuk County Park. We enjoyed a picnic, chasing the geese and goslings, and a competitive game of Bocceball, but the highlight of the afternoon was fishing;it was a first for me and Ethan.
Steve thought we could catch fish with artificial bait he had successfully used in the past (like in 6th grade)... Steve failed to inform me that the bait was 14 years old! Several fish curiously swam up to it, only to swim the other direction after smelling it.
Nonetheless, I was proud of myself for baiting the hook, casting the rod, and reeling in lots of algae! Next time Steve said we will use some real lures; hopefully, we'll have better luck!


Megs said...

I am so jealous you got to go fishing! I have my license, but haven't been able to since last fall. I can't wait to go again! Better luck next time on catching a fish!

Jana said...

Heide--it's jana! I was just browsing along and found this, i'm so glad I got to see a picture of Ethan! He's adorable!! And look at you I had a baby 5 months ago and weigh 62 lbs. That made me laugh that Steve used 14 year old bait- so hilarious!