Sunday, May 20, 2007

Fishing trip

For Ethan's 5 month birthday we spent the afternoon at Kennekuk County Park. We enjoyed a picnic, chasing the geese and goslings, and a competitive game of Bocceball, but the highlight of the afternoon was fishing;it was a first for me and Ethan.
Steve thought we could catch fish with artificial bait he had successfully used in the past (like in 6th grade)... Steve failed to inform me that the bait was 14 years old! Several fish curiously swam up to it, only to swim the other direction after smelling it.
Nonetheless, I was proud of myself for baiting the hook, casting the rod, and reeling in lots of algae! Next time Steve said we will use some real lures; hopefully, we'll have better luck!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

NC Trip

It has been so long since I've posted anything that I forgot how!

Nothing really exciting to pass on other than the fact that my last day of school is Wednesday! I can't tell you how excited and ready I am to be done. This last semester has been a struggle- so I can't say that I will miss teaching. Now I turn my attention to getting our house ready for selling. This is going to be a chore- even though I love our home and it is very beautiful, there are plenty of little odd jobs to work on. Currently we are working on landscaping- planting flowers and shrubs, etc.... I'll post pictures when it looks beautiful.

A couple of weeks ago Dallas and I went to NC to make a quick trip to take care of odds and ends before we move out there. It was a fun trip- very hot. I am not sure we are ready for heat and humidity! We took a tour of our future home at the family housing complex on campus. I think I'll be able to find a place for all of our stuff! I will attach a few pictures that we took.

Other than that- nothing else to report. I hope everyone is doing well- I love hearing updates.


Friday, May 18, 2007


I get frequent updates from her and she told me, they have a cool website:

BYU Homepage

Hannah made the front page of the BYU homepage. Check it out!

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Ok girls,
I know that we might not lead the most exciting lives, but there has to be something going on with us--it's been almost a month since anyone posted something. Hailey and I have a little bit of an excuse in that we have our own blogs that keep you somewhat updated, but Heide, Lauren and Sarah--get on the ball.

Lauren and I went to a shower for Sarah last night. I had to leave early, so I didn't get to see any of the presents, but I am sure that Sage is going to be well dressed and taken care of! Sarah looked great, as always. We are hoping to get together one last time before Sarah leaves.

Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone else! Keep checking our blog for future excitement...
